Our friend George Pixifrog saw with his eyes last night an Alien, 12:00 o' clock at night our friend saw the amazing thing! That night our friend George couldnt believe what saw but still stand and took a very clear picture of this Alien! Shoked as he was he brought the picture to us and then call the police and the Scientist that we found!
Folowing the Alien with a few good spys and other people that can cut different kind of stuff, we cut it, the alien had 2 fingers and 2 fingers on the feet! This "thing" seems to talk, and the only thing that says is E.D. This weird alien had then on 2:00 o' clock in the morning, taken to the American LAB to see what it is! Our friends from the lab fegure out that his sex is a Male and not a Female that everyone there thought it was!
After hard work, it showed that this alien is a Peaceful thing full of love, that see everyone as a Peacefull flower! George is still panic about what he saw at the Park... it seems quite a lot for a old man! Moving on, a profession that really cared about this siduation, told the people that really cared about the alien, that they should stop annoying this poor thing and send him back, nothing more about this alien foces, dont nmiss the next newspaper of "Imagine Something Else"!
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