Monday, September 15, 2008

Ms. Georgia's Dreamy Holiday

This is a memorable holiday for Ms. Georgia Papapetrou! Ms. Georgia was getting ready for her long trip to HollyWood for holidays! As she land at the airport in HollyWood she was so excited that she just jump up and down!!!

She didnt really cared about the people staring at her! She walked in the taxi and went to the 10 star hotel with 25 floors and 5 large pools!!! She walked in and went up in her room! Ms. Georgia 's room was on the 25th floor and she thought to have a nap becauses he knew it would take time to go up there!!! As she riched her room she put her things and went for a walk! As she was walking she hit a woman with black glasses and a big fat jacket! That woman was Angelina Jolie, Ms. Georgia just stand there and watching her!!! After a few minutes Angelina Jolie told Ms. Georgia, that she is really sorry! Then they sat at a Cafe and speak, laph and having fan! In 2 minutes Ms. Georgis and Angelina Jolie are very good friends! It got midnight andc Ms. Georgia had to go!

The next day Ms. Gergia called Angelina Jolie and invite her for a tea at her hote! It didnt pass a minute and Angelina was thre! Angelina Jolie told Ms. Georgia to play at her next show! Ms. Gergia was screaming and shouting and shouting even more when she herd that she will be the main character in the story!! The show title was "Angelina's lost Sister"!!! Ms. Georgia couldnt wait! They went to their first practice and Ms. Georgia was sooooo happy! The cameraman was a really bad guy and didnt shoot the movie,... he didnt even put a film in the camera, Ms. Georgia new that he did this, he herd him talk with someone, but she wasnt sure! They playd the movie and they waited the camera man to give it to the man that will show worldwide!!! Georgia went to the hotel, waited 10 days and they finally phoned her telling her about the cameraman, that somethings weird on him! Ms. Georgia was really MAD, she was the first time m to be a main character in a HollyWood show! She next went to the cameraman and looked at him with a weird face then somethig like a Miricle happen! The cameraman said im sorry and told them to do the show again! They all did the show and thanked Ms. Georgia for saving the show!

Ms. Georgia then went to the Airport, yea... it was time to leave! The people was staring at the people behind her, which were all the famous actors! She went home to her family in Cyprus and went she told them the story... the, didnt believe her, but when they saw the movie... the didnt talk for 3 days!!! The best vacation of Ms. Georgia!!!! xxxxx

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